Whether starting a church or already leading one, the first step to assuring the long term success of the ministry is to have a sound, biblically based set of By-Laws.
Included in the 21 articles of your New Testament Apostolic By-Laws are:
Statement of Faith: Including new additions and modifications to the definition of Biblical marriage and sexually perverted activities, providing additional, potential protections from government interference and possible law suits.
Non-voting Membership: Confirms that all members are cognizant of the Statement of Faith and provides additional, potential protections from government interference and possible law suits.
The Governing Body: Senior Overseer is responsible for all final decisions
Meeting of the Local Presbytery: determined by Senior Overseer only.
Ecclesiastical Government: All appointments are approved by Senior Overseer.
Non-Governmental Positions of Ministering Elders, Deacons and Deaconess: Specific responsibilities and parameters of each group
Outside Presbytery: Selected by the Senior Overseer from outside the local Church.
International Presbytery: Provision for the Local Presbytery to create an International Board of Presbyters
Officers: Description, responsibilities and powers of various officers
Licensing and Ordination of Ministers: Gives power to the Senior Overseer to license and ordain.